Pulmonary Exam & Pathology

11/21/2024 12:10 PM CST update: Shoutout to one of my classmates for pointing out a typo in the review! Bronchial vesicular is a 1:1 ratio. Also added more information to the pulmonary exam page...bottom line is that consolidation increases tactile fremitus (ex: pneumonia) and is usually something like a disease. Excess air in the lung decreases tactile fremitus (COPD, hyperinflation, asthma, airway obstructions, pleural effusion).

Featured in this review:

  • Pulmonary physiology basics and pathologies
  • Acid base review for metabolic and respiratory acidosis and alkalosis
  • Pulmonary clinical examination techniques
  • Breathing interventions
  • Flowchart of postural drainage positions

This PDF contains one page over each of the topics listed above. Hopefully there is something useful/you can takeaway some quick memorization techniques for studying the pulmonary system in PT school.

My favorite memory hack from this review is the acronym "ROME" for "Respiratory Opposite, Metabolic Equal" in relation to acidosis and alkalosis.

  1. For example, normal pH is 7.35-7.45. If the pH is lower then it is acidosis and if the pH is higher then it is alkalosis.
  2. From here, the CO2 and HCO3 values follow the pH according to "ROME." Say respiratory acidosis, the pH is decreased, and respiratory is "opposite," therefore in respiratory acidosis we have increased CO2 and HCO3, etc. etc.

Happy studying!